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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 2

Autor(i):Memon, Amina ; Vrij, Aldert ; Bull, Ray
Naslov:Psychology and law : truthfulness, accuracy and credibility / Amina Memon, Aldert Vrij, Ray Bull
Izdanje:2nd ed
Impresum:Chichester : Wiley , cop. 2003
Materijalni opis:xii, 224 str. ; 25 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Wiley series in psychology of crime, policing, and law
Ključne riječi:forenzička psihologija
Sadržaj:Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION.. - Chapter 2: TELLING AND DETECTING LIES.. - Some Characteristics of Deception.. - Nonverbal Behaviour and Deception.. - Verbal Behaviour and Deception: Criteria-Based Content Analysis.. - Physiological Reactions and Deception: The Polygraph.. - Detecting Lies.. - Difficulties and Pitfalls for Lie Detectors.. - Summary and Conclusion.. - Chapter 3: FACIAL APPEARANCE AND CRIMINALITY.. - Matching Faces to Crimes.. - Attractiveness.. - Facial Appearance and Deceit.. - Police Officers.. - Children.. - Facial Surgery for Criminals.. - Frequency of Facial Abnormality.. - Weak Methodologies.. - Does Facial Appearance have an Effect in the Courtroom?. - Attributions of Responsibility.. - Group Decision Making.. - Meta-analysis.. - Real-Life Court Proceedings.. - Summary and Conclusion.. - Chapter 4: INTERVIEWING SUSPECTS.. - How to Get the Suspect to Talk.. - How to Let the Suspect Talk.. - How Many Suspects Confess and Why?. - Quality of the Interview.. - False Confessions.. - Summary and Conclusion.. - Chapter 5: INTERVIEWING WITNESSES.. - The Effects of Long Delays.. - Facial Identification.. - Individual Differences.. - Suggestibility.. - Suggestion from Stereotypes.. - Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses.. - Contributions from Cognitive Psychology.. - Contributions from Social Psychology.. - Interviewer Manner.. - Summary and Conclusion.. - Chapter 6: PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS IN EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY.. - Estimator Variables and System Variables in Eyewitness Identification.. - Estimator Variables.. - System Variables.. - Summary and Conclusion.. - Chapter 7: FALSE MEMORIES.. - Repression, Amnesia and Memory for Early Childhood Experiences.. - Adults' Memories for Traumatic and Non-traumatic Events.. - Implanting False Memories.. - Mechanisms Responsible for the Creation of False Memories and Beliefs.. - Verifying the Accuracy of Recovered Memories in the Courtroom.. - Summary and Conclusion.. - Chapter 8: JURY DECISION MAKING.. - The Jury System in Different Countries.. - Empirical Research on Juries: Methodology.. - Juror Characteristics.. - How the Social Perceptions of Jurors May Influence Decisions.. - Social Identity and Juror Decisions.. - Prior Character Evidence.. - Publicity Before and During the Trial.. - The Story Model.. - Evidence.. - Aiding Juries.. - Judge/Lawyer Characteristics.. - Jury Deliberation.. - Summary and Conclusion.. - Chapter 9: THE ROLE OF EXPERT WITNESSES.. - Admissibility of Expert Testimony.. - Expert Testimony: Its Impact on Jury Decision Making.. - Examples of Research on the Impact of Expert Testimony.. - Ethical Issues.. - The Hired Gun Effect.. - Objectivity in Child Abuse Trials.. - Summary and Conclusion.
APA CC:4200
Signatura:4200 2003 MEM
Inventarni broj:48/2006
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Autor(i):Memon, Amina ; Vrij, Aldert ; Bull, Ray
Naslov:Psychology and law : truthfulness accuracy and credibility / Amina Memon, Aldert Vrij, ray Bull
Impresum:London : McGraw-Hill , cop. 1998
Materijalni opis:237 str.
Napomena:Fotokopija. - Bibliografija uz svako poglavlje
Ključne riječi:forenzička psihologija
APA CC:4200
Signatura:4200 98 MEM (P)
Inventarni broj:F-2
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Vrij Aldert )
